- Welcome to Officer Training School
- Course Schedules
- Academic Overview
- Orientation Guide
- OTS Special Instructions
- Reporting Instructions
Colonel Derrick J. Iwanenko
Commandant, OTS
Officer Trainee,
Congratulations on your selection to attend the Department of the Air Force Officer Training School (OTS). You are about to embark on one of the most transformational leadership development experiences within the profession of arms. Our mission is to develop Warrior-Minded Leaders of Character committed to our oath, values, and creed. As warriors, you must demonstrate and prove your moral courage, physical courage, resilience, and a hardiness of spirit to serve and lead in the profession of arms. OTS is purposefully challenging, standards are high, and training intentionally rigorous, so prepare mentally and physically for the demanding environment you will enter. Study and apply the Welcome Guide to maximize your effectiveness and advance your team’s success at OTS.
Always with Honor!
Officer Training School | ||||
Class # | Start Date | Grad Date | On-Ramp Start Date | |
24-16 | 02 Jul 24 | 29 Aug 24 | N/A | |
24-17 | 16 Jul 24 | 13 Sep 24 | N/A | |
24-18 | 30 Jul 24 | 27 Sep 24 | N/A | |
25-01 | 27 Aug 24 | 25 Oct 24 | N/A | |
25-02 | 10 Sep 24 | 08 Nov 24 | 16 Sep 24 | |
25-03 | 24 Sep 24 | 22 Nov 24 | 30 Sep 24 | |
25-04 | 08 Oct 24 | 06 Dec 24 | N/A | |
25-05 | 22 Oct 24 | 20 Dec 24 | 28 Oct 24 | |
25-06* | 19 Nov 24 | 31 Jan 25 | 25 Nov 24 | |
25-07* | 03 Dec 24 | 14 Feb 25 | 09 Dec 24 | |
25-08 | 14 Jan 25 | 14 Mar 25 | N/A | |
25-09 | 28 Jan 25 | 28 Jan 25 | 03 Feb 25 | |
25-10 | 11 Feb 25 | 11 Apr 25 | N/A | |
25-11 | 25 Feb 25 | 25 Apr 25 | 03 Mar 25 | |
25-12 | 25 Mar 25 | 22 May 25 | 31 Mar 25 | |
25-13 | 08 Apr 25 | 06 Jun 25 | 14 Apr 25 | |
25-14 | 22 Apr 25 | 18 Jun 25 | 28 Apr 25 | |
25-15 | 06 May 25 | 03 Jul 25 | 12 May 25 | |
25-17 | 17 Jun 25 | 15 Aug 25 | 23 Jun 25 | |
25-18* | 01 Jul 25 | 28 Aug 25 | N/A | |
25-19 | 15 May 25 | 12 Sep 25 | 21 Jul 25 | |
25-20 | 29 Jul 25 | 26 Sep 25 | 04 Aug 25 | |
NOTE*Holiday break, 21 Dec 24 thru 05 Jan 25 NOTE*Holiday break, 04 Jul 25 |
Officer Training Abbreviated | |||
Class # | Start Date | Grad Date | |
24-18 | 30 Jul 24 | 29 Aug 24 | |
25-01 | 27 Aug 24 | 27 Sep 24 | |
25-02 | 10 Sep 24 | 11 Oct 24 | |
25-03 | 24 Sep 24 | 25 Oct 24 | |
25-04 | 08 Oct 24 | 08 Nov 24 | |
25-05 | 22 Oct 24 | 22 Nov 24 | |
25-06 | 19 Nov 24 | 20 Dec 24 | |
25-07 * | 03 Dec 24 | 17 Jan 25 | |
25-08 | 14 Jan 25 | 14 Feb 25 | |
25-09 | 28 Jan 25 | 18 Feb 25 | |
25-10 | 11 Feb 25 | 14 Mar 25 | |
25-11 | 15 Feb 25 | 28 Mar 25 | |
25-12 | 25 Mar 25 | 25 Apr 25 | |
25-13 | 08 Apr 25 | 09 May 25 | |
25-14 | 22 Apr 25 | 22 May 25 | |
25-15 | 06 May 25 | 06 Jun 25 | |
25-16 * | 03 Jun 25 | 03 Jul 25 | |
25-17 | 17 Jun 25 | 18 Jul 25 | |
25-18 | 01 Jul 25 | 01 Aug 25 | |
25-19 | 15 Jul 25 | 15 Aug 25 | |
25-20 | 29 Jul 25 | 29 Aug 25 | |
25-21 | 26 Aug 25 | 26 Sep 25 | |
NOTE*Holiday break, 21 Dec 24 thru 05 Jan 25 NOTE*Holiday break, 04 Jul 25 |
Commissioned & Reserve Commissioned | |||
Class # | Start Date | Grad Date | |
R25-01 | 14 Jan 25 | 28 Jun 25 | |
R25-02 | 22 Apr 25 | 06 May25 |
Officer Training School has revamped our training experience to a modular and competency-based approach to better develop Warrior-Minded Leaders of Character. While being educated, trained, and developed, we expect Officer Trainees to enhance their knowledge and acquire the characteristics necessary to exemplify a warrior mindset. We describe these characteristics as the OTS Leadership Attributes (OLAs): Leadership, Communication, Professionalism, Warfighting, and Mission Execution. Officer Trainees are tasked to complete our rigorous 60 day training program with OTS staff developing through the Department of Air Force (DAF) Foundational Competencies (AFH 36-2647) to instill these attributes.
Modular-Based Program
Module 1 focuses on preparing future officers to assimilate into the military culture and be able to adapt to the challenging and demanding environment. Once in-processed, trainees learn what it means to have a sense of urgency, how to identify with military culture, participate in drill and ceremony, and develop resiliency skills. They are also introduced to the fundamentals of leadership, military management, and the importance of operating as a team.
Module 2 continues to develop trainees’ key skills and knowledge, along with resilience, adaptability, and physical endurance. Trainees will learn deployment cycling, be introduced to wargaming, and participate in challenges and feedback, ultimately preparing them for effective military service and success.
Trainees in Module 3 start to hone their skills as multi-capable airmen, preparing for rapid mobilization and mission execution. Emphasis is on staff rolls, decision-making, continuous competency development, and physical challenges all while refining leadership fundamentals. The progression through Module 3 promotes readiness and agility.
Module 4 is a comprehensive curriculum covering joint planning, Full Spectrum Awareness, strategic level academics, and practical wargaming. Trainees will implement previously learned problem-solving techniques and apply technology to prepare for strategic competitor challenges balanced with activities to boost physical courage.
In the final module, trainees focus on gaining and maintaining war fighter advantage through previously acquired skills. Through deterrence, defense, and decision-focused lethality, agile combatants are molded into ready Airmen through rapid mobilization. Module 5 trainees also mentor underclassmen, leading them through multiple events until the culminating event in their training: Graduation.
Qualification Ratings
This program is crafted to challenge both former military personnel and college graduates in ways that extend their mental and physical capabilities beyond what they may have initially perceived. Utilizing a Competency Based Assessment approach, trainees are graded on a 3-tier Qualification Rating System (Q1, Q2, & Q3) requiring them to perform at a basic/intermediate proficiency level.
Qualification Rating System | |
QR | Description |
Q1 | Qualified at the basic and/or intermediate competency level suitable for continued growth as a CGO within the Department of the Air Force |
Q2 | Satisfactorily qualified at the basic and/or intermediate competency level with several identified areas of needed improvement. Attitude and effort coincide with Department of the Air Force values and attempts to embody Warrior-minded Leader of Character attributes. Officer Trainee should show progression through training, as opposed to regression, thereby demonstrating the capacity for continued growth as a CGO within the Department of the Air Force. |
Q3 | The officer trainee did not demonstrate the appropriate aptitude at the required competency level. May lead to a disenrollment IAW DAFMAN 36-2032. |
After successfully completing all training modules, our trainees will have developed themselves as Warrior-Minded Leaders of Character ready to serve as commissioned officers in the world's premier Air and Space Force!
Trainee Information System
See the Orientation Guide on next tab for more information about the Trainee Information System for training use.
To FutureOfficer Trainees: Welcome!
The FY24 Orientation Guide serves as a comprehensive resource carefully designed to ensure your successful arrival and transition to Officer Training School. It is your responsibility to adhere to the contents of this guide which encompass crucial requirements such as medical records, packing list, religious accommodation requests, in-processing (admin) documents and pre-course assignment material.
Download Guide Download Guide:https://www.afaccessionscenter.af.mil/Portals/78/OTS/Student-Guides/Orientation-Guide-11172024.pdf
All Trainees will print out and bring a copy of the OTS Form 1, filled out to be turned in during in-processing.
Download OTS Form 1 Download OTS Form 1:https://www.afaccessionscenter.af.mil/Portals/78/OTS/Student-Guides/OTS-Form-One-231017.pdf
Delays in reporting or the ability to continue at OTS may occur if any required items are not completed before arrival. We strongly urge you to diligently start preparing as some of the requirements take time. By taking the time to prepare now, you free yourself from unnecessary distractions that could hinder your ability to fully commit to your training and personal development.
We are committed to your success at OTS and look forward to meeting you!
Officer Trainees are expected to demonstrate foundational Air Force Competencies IAW AFH 36-2647, Competency Modeling, prior to arrival at Officer Training School.
Read, review, and remember the Officer Training School Special Instructions, Officer Trainee Operating Procedures. You will be held accountable for these procedures upon arrival at OTS.
Download SPINS Download SPINS:https://www.afaccessionscenter.af.mil/Portals/78/OTS/Student-Guides/OTS-SPINS-CAO_18-OCT-2024.pdf
OTS will notify you of any deviations to the arrival process and/or requirements via the email you provided in WINGS.
- ALL Officer Traineesmust be in the local area of Montgomery, AL NLT 11:59 p.m. the day prior to class start date. This will allow for on-time arrival at OTS the following morning.
- Check with your unit/recruiter for lodging reimbursement. University Inn at Maxwell AFB, 450 LeMay Plaza, Montgomery, AL 36112, can be contacted via website link: https://af.dodlodging.net/propertys/Maxwell-AFB or commercial phone: (334) 953-3931/7544/1690.
- Trainees will begin parking in the OTS parking lot at 0630.
- Check InMaps
Day ofIn-processing
- ALL Trainees will report to the dorms between0700 - 0730.
- There is no delayed reporting to OTS, if you do not arrive during the established time, you will not be in-processed. Late arrivals after 0800 on Day 1 will be subject to dismissal.
- EXCEPTIONS:Contact OTS regarding missed/delayed flights or other travel problems. If you have a delayed flight or any travel emergency that is going to keep you from reporting on time; contact (334) 315-2080 with the following information: Name, Airline, Flight Number, and Expected Arrival Time.
- BASE ACCESS: Arrive at Maxwell Blvd Gate or Maxwell AFB Visitor Center. Show your OTS orders and government ID at the gate. From the Visitor Center it is another 1.5 miles to the OTS main building at 501 LeMay Plaza N. Bldg. 1487, Maxwell AFB, AL 36112.
- NOTE:Base taxi number is (334) 953-5038.
- ALLtrainees will arrive in compliance with grooming standards in accordance with AFI 36-2903 or be subject to dismissal.
- IAW DAFI 36-2903, Chapter 3, Personal Grooming Standards: All OTswill arrive at OTS with a clean-shaven appearance (no mustaches, no beards except for documented and approved religious accommodations. Trainees not in DAF standards will be turned away and will not be allowed to in-process.
- Trainees will arrive to the OTS campus wearing:
- A solid-color collared shirt (tucked in and buttoned),
- Khaki pants (no capris, jeans, leggings, skirts, or dresses) with belt,
- Athletic shoes with laces tucked in (no dress shoes, sandals, flats, or heels).
- As conditions warrant, jackets, blazers or coats are authorized for wear.
- Arrive with your hydration system assembled and filled with water.
- Trainees will arrive to the OTS campus wearing:
- IAW DAFI 36-2903, Chapter 3, Personal Grooming Standards: All OTswill arrive at OTS with a clean-shaven appearance (no mustaches, no beards except for documented and approved religious accommodations. Trainees not in DAF standards will be turned away and will not be allowed to in-process.
NOTE: NOcivilian/personal items with offensive wording, graphics or photos are to be worn.
- NCOA+ Onramp only: All Trainees will arrive to OTS campus in OCP uniform IAW USAF/USSF uniform requirements.
- NCOA+ Onramp only: All Trainees will report to dorms between 0700-0730
- NCOA+ Onramp only: All Trainees will report with their service dress coat (Class A) tailored IAW DAFI 36-2903, Chapter 4, as there is no time available for alterations while at OTS.
Prohibited Items
Prohibited: Transition lenses or jewelry (exception: religious medallions and removable wedding rings).
- Contacts are not authorized for field events. OTs should bring enough lenses, eye glass straps, and cleaning solutions for theduration of training.
- Individuals requiring dark lenses due to eye surgery must provide a doctor’s note stipulating the conditions of this requirementand will need to report to the OTS Independent Duty Medical Technician (IDMT) staff upon in-processing for medical profile validation.
- Alcohol, tobacco/nicotine, pets, knives and weapons of any kind.
Dining Facilities
- OTs should eat breakfast and ensure they are properly hydrated (including 2 days prior) before arrival. Lunch and dinner will be provided during in-processing (TD1).
- OTS Dining Facility (DFAC) accepts credit and debit cards; however, OTs should have $200 cash (in bills less than $20) available in the event of technical issues and to pay for required MealsReady-to-Eat (MREs) meals.
Welcome to Officer Training School
Colonel Derrick J. Iwanenko
Commandant, OTS
Officer Trainee,
Congratulations on your selection to attend the Department of the Air Force Officer Training School (OTS). You are about to embark on one of the most transformational leadership development experiences within the profession of arms. Our mission is to develop Warrior-Minded Leaders of Character committed to our oath, values, and creed. As warriors, you must demonstrate and prove your moral courage, physical courage, resilience, and a hardiness of spirit to serve and lead in the profession of arms. OTS is purposefully challenging, standards are high, and training intentionally rigorous, so prepare mentally and physically for the demanding environment you will enter. Study and apply the Welcome Guide to maximize your effectiveness and advance your team’s success at OTS.
Always with Honor!
Course Schedules
Officer Training School | ||||
Class # | Start Date | Grad Date | On-Ramp Start Date | |
24-16 | 02 Jul 24 | 29 Aug 24 | N/A | |
24-17 | 16 Jul 24 | 13 Sep 24 | N/A | |
24-18 | 30 Jul 24 | 27 Sep 24 | N/A | |
25-01 | 27 Aug 24 | 25 Oct 24 | N/A | |
25-02 | 10 Sep 24 | 08 Nov 24 | 16 Sep 24 | |
25-03 | 24 Sep 24 | 22 Nov 24 | 30 Sep 24 | |
25-04 | 08 Oct 24 | 06 Dec 24 | N/A | |
25-05 | 22 Oct 24 | 20 Dec 24 | 28 Oct 24 | |
25-06* | 19 Nov 24 | 31 Jan 25 | 25 Nov 24 | |
25-07* | 03 Dec 24 | 14 Feb 25 | 09 Dec 24 | |
25-08 | 14 Jan 25 | 14 Mar 25 | N/A | |
25-09 | 28 Jan 25 | 28 Jan 25 | 03 Feb 25 | |
25-10 | 11 Feb 25 | 11 Apr 25 | N/A | |
25-11 | 25 Feb 25 | 25 Apr 25 | 03 Mar 25 | |
25-12 | 25 Mar 25 | 22 May 25 | 31 Mar 25 | |
25-13 | 08 Apr 25 | 06 Jun 25 | 14 Apr 25 | |
25-14 | 22 Apr 25 | 18 Jun 25 | 28 Apr 25 | |
25-15 | 06 May 25 | 03 Jul 25 | 12 May 25 | |
25-17 | 17 Jun 25 | 15 Aug 25 | 23 Jun 25 | |
25-18* | 01 Jul 25 | 28 Aug 25 | N/A | |
25-19 | 15 May 25 | 12 Sep 25 | 21 Jul 25 | |
25-20 | 29 Jul 25 | 26 Sep 25 | 04 Aug 25 | |
NOTE*Holiday break, 21 Dec 24 thru 05 Jan 25 NOTE*Holiday break, 04 Jul 25 |
Officer Training Abbreviated | |||
Class # | Start Date | Grad Date | |
24-18 | 30 Jul 24 | 29 Aug 24 | |
25-01 | 27 Aug 24 | 27 Sep 24 | |
25-02 | 10 Sep 24 | 11 Oct 24 | |
25-03 | 24 Sep 24 | 25 Oct 24 | |
25-04 | 08 Oct 24 | 08 Nov 24 | |
25-05 | 22 Oct 24 | 22 Nov 24 | |
25-06 | 19 Nov 24 | 20 Dec 24 | |
25-07 * | 03 Dec 24 | 17 Jan 25 | |
25-08 | 14 Jan 25 | 14 Feb 25 | |
25-09 | 28 Jan 25 | 18 Feb 25 | |
25-10 | 11 Feb 25 | 14 Mar 25 | |
25-11 | 15 Feb 25 | 28 Mar 25 | |
25-12 | 25 Mar 25 | 25 Apr 25 | |
25-13 | 08 Apr 25 | 09 May 25 | |
25-14 | 22 Apr 25 | 22 May 25 | |
25-15 | 06 May 25 | 06 Jun 25 | |
25-16 * | 03 Jun 25 | 03 Jul 25 | |
25-17 | 17 Jun 25 | 18 Jul 25 | |
25-18 | 01 Jul 25 | 01 Aug 25 | |
25-19 | 15 Jul 25 | 15 Aug 25 | |
25-20 | 29 Jul 25 | 29 Aug 25 | |
25-21 | 26 Aug 25 | 26 Sep 25 | |
NOTE*Holiday break, 21 Dec 24 thru 05 Jan 25 NOTE*Holiday break, 04 Jul 25 |
Commissioned & Reserve Commissioned | |||
Class # | Start Date | Grad Date | |
R25-01 | 14 Jan 25 | 28 Jun 25 | |
R25-02 | 22 Apr 25 | 06 May25 |
Academic Overview
Officer Training School has revamped our training experience to a modular and competency-based approach to better develop Warrior-Minded Leaders of Character. While being educated, trained, and developed, we expect Officer Trainees to enhance their knowledge and acquire the characteristics necessary to exemplify a warrior mindset. We describe these characteristics as the OTS Leadership Attributes (OLAs): Leadership, Communication, Professionalism, Warfighting, and Mission Execution. Officer Trainees are tasked to complete our rigorous 60 day training program with OTS staff developing through the Department of Air Force (DAF) Foundational Competencies (AFH 36-2647) to instill these attributes.
Modular-Based Program
Module 1 focuses on preparing future officers to assimilate into the military culture and be able to adapt to the challenging and demanding environment. Once in-processed, trainees learn what it means to have a sense of urgency, how to identify with military culture, participate in drill and ceremony, and develop resiliency skills. They are also introduced to the fundamentals of leadership, military management, and the importance of operating as a team.
Module 2 continues to develop trainees’ key skills and knowledge, along with resilience, adaptability, and physical endurance. Trainees will learn deployment cycling, be introduced to wargaming, and participate in challenges and feedback, ultimately preparing them for effective military service and success.
Trainees in Module 3 start to hone their skills as multi-capable airmen, preparing for rapid mobilization and mission execution. Emphasis is on staff rolls, decision-making, continuous competency development, and physical challenges all while refining leadership fundamentals. The progression through Module 3 promotes readiness and agility.
Module 4 is a comprehensive curriculum covering joint planning, Full Spectrum Awareness, strategic level academics, and practical wargaming. Trainees will implement previously learned problem-solving techniques and apply technology to prepare for strategic competitor challenges balanced with activities to boost physical courage.
In the final module, trainees focus on gaining and maintaining war fighter advantage through previously acquired skills. Through deterrence, defense, and decision-focused lethality, agile combatants are molded into ready Airmen through rapid mobilization. Module 5 trainees also mentor underclassmen, leading them through multiple events until the culminating event in their training: Graduation.
Qualification Ratings
This program is crafted to challenge both former military personnel and college graduates in ways that extend their mental and physical capabilities beyond what they may have initially perceived. Utilizing a Competency Based Assessment approach, trainees are graded on a 3-tier Qualification Rating System (Q1, Q2, & Q3) requiring them to perform at a basic/intermediate proficiency level.
Qualification Rating System | |
QR | Description |
Q1 | Qualified at the basic and/or intermediate competency level suitable for continued growth as a CGO within the Department of the Air Force |
Q2 | Satisfactorily qualified at the basic and/or intermediate competency level with several identified areas of needed improvement. Attitude and effort coincide with Department of the Air Force values and attempts to embody Warrior-minded Leader of Character attributes. Officer Trainee should show progression through training, as opposed to regression, thereby demonstrating the capacity for continued growth as a CGO within the Department of the Air Force. |
Q3 | The officer trainee did not demonstrate the appropriate aptitude at the required competency level. May lead to a disenrollment IAW DAFMAN 36-2032. |
After successfully completing all training modules, our trainees will have developed themselves as Warrior-Minded Leaders of Character ready to serve as commissioned officers in the world's premier Air and Space Force!
Trainee Information System
See the Orientation Guide on next tab for more information about the Trainee Information System for training use.
Orientation Guide
To FutureOfficer Trainees: Welcome!
The FY24 Orientation Guide serves as a comprehensive resource carefully designed to ensure your successful arrival and transition to Officer Training School. It is your responsibility to adhere to the contents of this guide which encompass crucial requirements such as medical records, packing list, religious accommodation requests, in-processing (admin) documents and pre-course assignment material.
Download Guide Download Guide:https://www.afaccessionscenter.af.mil/Portals/78/OTS/Student-Guides/Orientation-Guide-11172024.pdf
All Trainees will print out and bring a copy of the OTS Form 1, filled out to be turned in during in-processing.
Download OTS Form 1 Download OTS Form 1:https://www.afaccessionscenter.af.mil/Portals/78/OTS/Student-Guides/OTS-Form-One-231017.pdf
Delays in reporting or the ability to continue at OTS may occur if any required items are not completed before arrival. We strongly urge you to diligently start preparing as some of the requirements take time. By taking the time to prepare now, you free yourself from unnecessary distractions that could hinder your ability to fully commit to your training and personal development.
We are committed to your success at OTS and look forward to meeting you!
OTS Special Instructions
Officer Trainees are expected to demonstrate foundational Air Force Competencies IAW AFH 36-2647, Competency Modeling, prior to arrival at Officer Training School.
Read, review, and remember the Officer Training School Special Instructions, Officer Trainee Operating Procedures. You will be held accountable for these procedures upon arrival at OTS.
Download SPINS Download SPINS:https://www.afaccessionscenter.af.mil/Portals/78/OTS/Student-Guides/OTS-SPINS-CAO_18-OCT-2024.pdf
OTS Day 1 - Reporting Instructions
OTS will notify you of any deviations to the arrival process and/or requirements via the email you provided in WINGS.
- ALL Officer Traineesmust be in the local area of Montgomery, AL NLT 11:59 p.m. the day prior to class start date. This will allow for on-time arrival at OTS the following morning.
- Check with your unit/recruiter for lodging reimbursement. University Inn at Maxwell AFB, 450 LeMay Plaza, Montgomery, AL 36112, can be contacted via website link: https://af.dodlodging.net/propertys/Maxwell-AFB or commercial phone: (334) 953-3931/7544/1690.
- Trainees will begin parking in the OTS parking lot at 0630.
- Check InMaps
Day ofIn-processing
- ALL Trainees will report to the dorms between0700 - 0730.
- There is no delayed reporting to OTS, if you do not arrive during the established time, you will not be in-processed. Late arrivals after 0800 on Day 1 will be subject to dismissal.
- EXCEPTIONS:Contact OTS regarding missed/delayed flights or other travel problems. If you have a delayed flight or any travel emergency that is going to keep you from reporting on time; contact (334) 315-2080 with the following information: Name, Airline, Flight Number, and Expected Arrival Time.
- BASE ACCESS: Arrive at Maxwell Blvd Gate or Maxwell AFB Visitor Center. Show your OTS orders and government ID at the gate. From the Visitor Center it is another 1.5 miles to the OTS main building at 501 LeMay Plaza N. Bldg. 1487, Maxwell AFB, AL 36112.
- NOTE:Base taxi number is (334) 953-5038.
- ALLtrainees will arrive in compliance with grooming standards in accordance with AFI 36-2903 or be subject to dismissal.
- IAW DAFI 36-2903, Chapter 3, Personal Grooming Standards: All OTswill arrive at OTS with a clean-shaven appearance (no mustaches, no beards except for documented and approved religious accommodations. Trainees not in DAF standards will be turned away and will not be allowed to in-process.
- Trainees will arrive to the OTS campus wearing:
- A solid-color collared shirt (tucked in and buttoned),
- Khaki pants (no capris, jeans, leggings, skirts, or dresses) with belt,
- Athletic shoes with laces tucked in (no dress shoes, sandals, flats, or heels).
- As conditions warrant, jackets, blazers or coats are authorized for wear.
- Arrive with your hydration system assembled and filled with water.
- Trainees will arrive to the OTS campus wearing:
- IAW DAFI 36-2903, Chapter 3, Personal Grooming Standards: All OTswill arrive at OTS with a clean-shaven appearance (no mustaches, no beards except for documented and approved religious accommodations. Trainees not in DAF standards will be turned away and will not be allowed to in-process.
NOTE: NOcivilian/personal items with offensive wording, graphics or photos are to be worn.
- NCOA+ Onramp only: All Trainees will arrive to OTS campus in OCP uniform IAW USAF/USSF uniform requirements.
- NCOA+ Onramp only: All Trainees will report to dorms between 0700-0730
- NCOA+ Onramp only: All Trainees will report with their service dress coat (Class A) tailored IAW DAFI 36-2903, Chapter 4, as there is no time available for alterations while at OTS.
Prohibited Items
Prohibited: Transition lenses or jewelry (exception: religious medallions and removable wedding rings).
- Contacts are not authorized for field events. OTs should bring enough lenses, eye glass straps, and cleaning solutions for theduration of training.
- Individuals requiring dark lenses due to eye surgery must provide a doctor’s note stipulating the conditions of this requirementand will need to report to the OTS Independent Duty Medical Technician (IDMT) staff upon in-processing for medical profile validation.
- Alcohol, tobacco/nicotine, pets, knives and weapons of any kind.
Dining Facilities
- OTs should eat breakfast and ensure they are properly hydrated (including 2 days prior) before arrival. Lunch and dinner will be provided during in-processing (TD1).
- OTS Dining Facility (DFAC) accepts credit and debit cards; however, OTs should have $200 cash (in bills less than $20) available in the event of technical issues and to pay for required MealsReady-to-Eat (MREs) meals.
Officer Training School News
Master Sgt. Candice Davis, a military training instructor at Officer Training School, Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama, has achieved a dream she’s held since high school. Her journey, however, has been anything but ordinary. Space Delta 13’s Detachment 2, in collaboration with the U.S. Air Force’s Holm Center, has played a key role in educational development efforts here in Air Force ROTC, Officer Training School, and in both the Air Force and Space Force Junior ROTC programs. Officer Training School is implementing a new accessions program aimed at developing Air and Space Force leaders who are prepared to compete and win in today’s strategic operating environment.
Officer Training School News Archive